
last week jared and i decided enough was enough and we joined a crossfit gym.

some friends of ours opened it close to our house and we are getting a good friends & family discount, so we realized that it was in our best interest to join.   after the baby, i was down to my pre-pregnancy weight right away (which was still higher than I’d like to be), but once i stopped nursing, i put on 20 pounds seemingly overnight.  j gained about 50 sympathy pounds once he started his stay at home dad gig and realized that it’s hard to be super active when you’re taking care of a house and baby and also a full time student.

neither j nor i are strangers to exercise and fitness programs.  we were both athletes in high school and have spent lots of time in the gym.  we also know that without someone to hold us accountable and push us to our limits, our gym time would consist of 20 minutes on the elliptical trainer and a few crunches.  which we all know will do SQUAT.

speaking of squat..  there are a lot of them in crossfit training.  i did so many squats the first day that i could barely get out of the car when i got home.   that soreness carried on throughout the day, with extreme groaning every time i had to go from standing to sitting and vice versa. 

i knew that it would be hard, and i had been simultaneously dreading and looking forward to our first session.  i knew i was severely out of shape and the things that used to be easy to me would be VERY difficult.  i was right.  after about 10 minutes into our session, i was already sweating and tired.  and then my trainer, amanda, says “ok, that was a great warm up – let’s start the work out!”.  um… what?

the first workout consisted of deadlifts and squats, 3 sets of 15-12-9 reps, with a minute on the bike in between.  easy peasy.. at least to my former fit self.   not so much.  but i did them, and managed not to collapse until i was safety in my car.  jared had his session after mine and i was expecting him to come home and say “that wasn’t too bad”, making me feel even worse about my ability.  i felt a lot better when he came through the door and relayed that it was super hard for him too.

our next session was two days later.  the day after, i was freaking out because i was so sore i couldn’t sit on the toilet without whimpering.  how on earth was i going to work out again if i felt this way?  i trudged into the gym anyway, and amanda pulled out the torture devices foam rollers and lacrosse balls to get the knots out of my muscles.  it was painful, but it worked.   i was still sore, but i was able to get through my second workout, which consisted of more squats, some work with the weight bar, and the dreaded burpies (of which i had to do the modified, modified kind). 

i was pleasantly surprised the next day when i wasn’t NEARLY as sore as i had been.  apparently these guys know what they’re doing. 

check them out – crossfit vantage

amanda teaches the 1fitmother class at 9am MWF.   she is a mom and has the most rocking body you’ve ever seen. her class has a lot more focus on core work, ideal for all of us moms who’s abs are not quite what they used to be.


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